Amanda Lang
Anchor, Taking Stock, CTV
Edward Greenspon
President and CEO, Public Policy Forum
Janice Stein
Founding Director, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Drew Fagan
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Marit Stiles
Ontario's Leader of the Official Opposition
Steve Paikin
Canadian Journalist, Author and Documentary Producer
Jordan Bitove
Publisher, the Toronto Star, Owner, Torstar Corporation, CEO, NordStar Capital
Eric Chassard
President and CEO, Bruce Power
Hon. Lisa Raitt, P.C
Vice-Chair, Global Investment Banking, CIBC Capital Markets
Hon. Doug Ford
Premier, Government of Ontario
Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan
President and CEO, Humber Polytechnic
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Established in 1903, as a response to Canadian political unrest, the Empire Club of Canada quickly became a leading speakers’ forum.
The club invites speakers to present various perspectives—including those that may not be popular but should be heard. Since its inception, the Empire Club has hosted 3500 prominent Canadian and international leaders, including Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII), Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Audrey Hepburn, Margaret Mead, Christopher Plumber, Roberta Bondar, Maureen Forrester, Adrienne Clarkson, Margaret Thatcher, Vladamir Putin and Bill Gates, to name but a few. Topics encompass business, politics, education, trade, labour, culture, international issues, as well as, other relevant topics that emerge.