The Empire Club of Canada

Monday, June 15, 2020
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
A Picture of Canada’s Economic Recovery
What economic measures and sequence of events are required to give Canada the best chance for a quick and robust recovery.
Amber Kanwar, Anchor & Reporter, Business News Network
Pierre Cleroux, Vice President, Research and Chief Economist, Business Development Bank of Canada
Ted Mallett, Vice President & Chief Economist, Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Rebekah Young, Director, Fiscal & Provincial Economics, Scotiabank
*The content presented is free of charge but please note that the Empire Club of Canada retains copyright. Neither the speeches themselves nor any part of their content may be used for any purpose other than personal interest or research without the explicit permission of the Empire Club of Canada.*
*Views and Opinions Expressed Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the speakers or panelists are those of the speakers or panelists and do not necessarily reflect or represent the official views and opinions, policy or position held by The Empire Club of Canada.*