The Empire Club of Canada

Tuesday, January 5, 2016
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Annual Investment Outlook Luncheon: Making Money in 2016 from Domestic and International Financial Markets Featuring Ian Russell, Nick Barisheff and Greg Greer
lan Russell, President and CEO of the Investment Industry Association of Canada and Nick Barisheff, President and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc. and Greg Greer, Managing Director and Head, Global Debt Capital Markets, Scotiabank lan Russell is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Investment Industry Association of Canada IIAC. Prior to his appointment at the IAC, Mr. Russell was Senior Vice President, Industry Relations and Representation, at the Investment Dealers Association of Canada, IDA. In his 20 year tenure with the IDA and the IIAC, he has participated actively in many committees and working groups involved in regulatory and tax issues related to the securities industry and capital markets. He is a frequent commentator in the media, a regular columnist in industry publications and a sought after speaker on industry issues and developments. In January 2014, Mr. Russell was appointed Chair of the International Council of Securities Associations, ICSA. Mr. Russell has an Honours degree in Economics and Business from the University of Western Ontario, and a postgraduate degree, MSc Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has completed the Partners, Directors and Senior Officers Qualifying Examination and is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute. Nick Barisheff is the founder, president and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc., a company dedicated to providing investors with a secure, cost effective, transparent way to purchase and hold physical bullion. BMG is an Associate Member of the London Bullion Market Association, LBMA, as well as the Responsible Investment Association, RIA. Widely recognized as an international bullion expert, Nick has written numerous articles on bullion and current market trends, which have been published on various news and business websites. Nick has appeared on BNN, CBC, CNBC and Sun Media, and has been interviewed for countless articles by leading business publications across North America, Europe and Asia. His first book $10,000 Gold: Why Gold’s Inevitable Rise is the Investors Safe Haven, was published in the Spring of 2013. Every investor who seeks the safety of sound money will benefit from Nick’s insights into the portfolio preserving power of gold. Greg Greer is managing Director and Head, Global Debt Capital Markets. He is currently responsible for Scotiabank’s Global Debt Capital Markets business, as well as our EMEA and Asia Pacific Risk Solutions businesses. Greg has nearly 20 years of capital markets experience primarily focused on debt and derivatives. He has spent his career developing and leading capital markets businesses in the some of the world’s largest financial centers including Toronto, New York and London, where he has consistently delivered comprehensive capital markets solutions to government, corporate, financial and infrastructure clients across the credit spectrum. Greg is a CFA charter holder. He holds a Master’s degree from Boston University and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Calgary
Ian Russell, President and CEO of the Investment Industry Association of Canada
Nick Barisheff, President and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc.
Greg Greer, Managing Director and Head, Global Debt Capital Markets, Scotiabank
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