Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Breaking down #elxn43 Panel: A Deep Dive with Major Party Campaign Managers
The Empire Club of Canada presented an exceptional Empire Nights event with campaign managers and senior strategists from the federal parties to offer a glimpse of how the election looked from their vantage point. It was a fascinating discussion about one of the tightest elections from start to finish in Canadian history. With renowned journalist Tom Clark moderating the talk that looked at the 40-day election, explored the decisions taken at critical junctures, the unexpected twists and turns, and what was happening behind the scenes.
Tom Clark Chair, Public Affairs and Communications, Global Public Affairs
Michael Balagus, Chief of Staff, Ontario New Democratic Party; Campaign Senior Advisor (2019), New Democratic Party
Jeremy Broadhurst, Campaign Manager (2019), Liberal Party of Canada; Former Chief of Staff to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hamish Marshall, Campaign Manager (2019), Conservative Party of Canada
*The content presented is free of charge but please note that the Empire Club of Canada retains copyright. Neither the speeches themselves nor any part of their content may be used for any purpose other than personal interest or research without the explicit permission of the Empire Club of Canada.*
*Views and Opinions Expressed Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the speakers or panelists are those of the speakers or panelists and do not necessarily reflect or represent the official views and opinions, policy or position held by The Empire Club of Canada.*