The Empire Club of Canada

Thursday, November 8, 2018
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Joseph Mancinelli, International Vice President, LiUNA With P3s, The Economy and The New Face of Labour
Born in Hamilton on September 11 1957 to Italian Immigrants Enrico and Victoria, Joseph Mancinelli hit the ground running. His father dedicated his life’s work to building better communities for marginalized populations within Ontario and throughout Canada. From an early age, Joseph was able to appreciate the value and importance of opportunity. With a heightened awareness for equality, Joseph became motivated by the notion that opportunities are not evenly distributed and therefore not always accessible to all social streams. He and his wife Enza have been married for thirty years and have five children and two grandchildren.
Joseph S. Mancinelli serves as the Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) International Vice President and Regional Manager of Central and Eastern Canada a diverse and multi-faceted union with over 120 000 members in Canada. Joseph is also the Chair of the Labourers’ Pension Fund of Central and Eastern Canada (LPFCEC); President of the LiUNA Ontario District Council, Chair of the Labourers’ Central and Eastern Canada Organizing Fund (CECOF) and is a Trustee on the LiUNA Health and Safety, Training and LECET Board.
Throughout Joseph’s career and multitude of philanthropic initiatives, it is evident that he has always demonstrated innovation and creativity while delivering lasting results. He believes that education is a human right and a catalyst for change. Under his leadership, vision and persistence as President of his home local, LiUNA Local 837 in Hamilton, Joseph remains a driving force behind many redevelopment initiatives including the restoration of the former CN Rail Station now known as LiUNA Station, and the development of LiUNA’s Long-term care facilities Queens Garden and Regina Gardens. Under Joseph’s leadership, LiUNA has restored and redeveloped an Ontario landmark, the Lister Block, a building in Hamilton whose cultural significance has resulted in it being named a provincial historical site and continues to seek opportunity to build better communities from the ground up. A member since 1978, Joseph continues to oversee many of its related entities including its Health & Welfare Plan, its Training Trust Fund and its affordable housing division.
Joseph is a thought leader and an advocate of community building and is a champion of benevolent causes having served on numerous committees including the Wynne Government’s Transit Advisory Panel; The Toronto Region Board of Trade Infrastructure Committee, he was a founding director of the Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation and also founding Chair of the Bay Area Health Trust. He was also founding Chair of TradePort International, the administrative arm of the Hamilton International Airport. He sits on the Mohawk College President’s Advisory Campaign Council. He is an ardent supporter of the arts, is passionate about the restoration of historical sites and a community champion for philanthropic achievements. Under Joseph’s leadership LiUNA raises approximately 5 Million Dollars a year over for various initiatives including programs for children with special needs, terminal illnesses and disabilities.
His many awards and recognitions include being inducted into the Hamilton Gallery of Distinction, receiving the Paul Harris Fellow from the Rotary Club, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, and the David Crombie Award by the Canadian Urban Institute, the Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association’s Award for Business Excellence and was honoured with an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from McMaster University, and a recognition for his Philanthropic initiatives across Canada.
Joseph Mancinelli, International Vice President, LiUNA
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