Tuesday, November 4, 2014
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Joseph Pennachetti, City Manager of Toronto with Looking Forward: Investing for the Future
Joseph P. Pennachetti was named City Manager for the City of Toronto in October 2008, with overall responsibility for 37,000 staff, an Operating budget of about $11 Billion and a 2014 to 2023 Capital Plan of $28.5 billion. Toronto is Canada’s largest city and the 6th largest government in the country. In 2013, Mr. Pennachetti led the development of 26 Strategic Actions for 2013 to 2018. These Strategic Actions are designed to advance City Council’s vision, mission and goals for Toronto as articulated in its Strategic Plan.
Under Mr. Pennachetti’s leadership, the City of Toronto continues to be recognized internationally for quality, innovation and efficiency in delivering public services. Mr. Pennachetti is committed to service excellence. In 2010, he awarded the first City Manager’s Award for Public Service Excellence. The highly successful program continues and now includes recognition of divisional and cross-corporate projects as well as a category that recognizes divisional initiatives that contribute to the City’s goal of removing barriers for equity seeking groups and or contribute to the City’s human rights, equity and diversity goals.
Mr. Pennachetti joined the Toronto Public Service in 2002 as the City’s Chief Financial Officer. As Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Pennachetti contributed to the enhancement of Toronto’s business climate through a 15 year plan to reduce business property taxes and a 10 year plan to reduce property taxes on small business. Mr. Pennachetti has also worked on the City’s numerous financing partnership agreements with the federal and provincial governments and the private sector, which have resulted in significant new infrastructure for the City. Prior to joining the City of Toronto, Mr. Pennachetti was the Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance for the Regional Municipality of Peel for six years, 1995 to 2002; from 1990 to 1995, he was the Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance for the Regional Municipality of York.
Mr. Pennachetti previously worked in the finance departments of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Edmonton. Mr. Pennachetti holds both a Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration and is a Certified General Accountant. He is married and has two children.
Joseph Pennachetti, City Manager of Toronto
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