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Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, Hon. David C. Onley

Thursday, December 12, 2013

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The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, Hon. David C. Onley With Putting the Human back in Humanitarianism

In the rush of the holiday season, the Empire Club of Canada would like to remind its members and guests of the core of humanity that truly drives our celebrations. Our annual Christmas luncheon, hosted by the Honourable David C. Onley, our province’s official representative of the Queen in Ontario. Entertainment will be provided by Duke of Connaught Public School, and the Lieutenant Governor will present the Empire Club’s Community Service Award. The event makes a special holiday gift for clients, employees, and friends. We hope you can join us in celebrating the 110th anniversary of The Empire Club.

The Hon. David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

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