The Empire Club of Canada

Thursday, March 20, 2014
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Peter Aceto, President and CEO, ING Direct Canada With Leading in Times of Change: The cornerstones of Transformational Change
Change is rampant and it is fast. Today, you either position your organization to adapt quickly or you’ll end up with your back against the wall. That is what Peter Aceto, President and CEO of ING DIRECT, will share with the Empire Club. What it takes to see the upside of transformational change. And how to get employees to believe that change is not only good, but also that it is vital. Peter will address the changes that ING DIRECT underwent since inception and how they plan to move forward, in a big way, with their new name Tangerine. Bio: Peter Aceto, President and Chief Executive Officer of ING DIRECT Canada, is a passionate leader. His career with ING DIRECT began in Canada more than 16 years ago as a founding member of its senior leadership team. Peter leads the cornerstones of success for ING DIRECT with a relentless focus which includes: a simple and efficient business model, a winning and adaptable strategy, outstanding customer service, risk management, return and growth, and building a solid team to execute the company’s vision. He is a sought out public speaker, a social media leader and author of his DIRECT TALK blog. Peter was profiled in Forbes magazine as the Social CEO, and Huffington Post as one of top 50 Social CEOs on Twitter. He was named 2012 Business Person of the Year by Western Law School. He was recognized as 2010 Communicator of the Year by the IABC Toronto Chapter. In addition, Peter was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee award for his contribution to Canada’s leadership as a digital nation and for his contribution to his community. Peter achieved his Bachelor of Law in 1994 from the University of Western Ontario, where he also earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology. Peter is involved with numerous charities including Covenant House and Mount Sinai Hospital. He enjoys spending time with family and coaches his son’s hockey team. He lives in Toronto with his wife and three children.
Peter Aceto, President and CEO, ING Direct Canada
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