The Empire Club of Canada

Monday, February 13, 2023
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Progress on Transit Expansion in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
Metrolinx is undertaking the largest transit expansion program in North America, delivering a $75-plus billion capital plan over the next 20 years. Metrolinx, while also operating GO Transit, UP Express and PRESTO, is building an integrated regional transit system that will create exciting new possibilities in the region and provide economic and environmental benefits for our communities.
As people are returning to transit to get where they need to go and we continue to build back ridership, Metrolinx, under the leadership of CEO Phil Verster, is transforming the transit system to connect communities and meet the expanding needs for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, which is expected to grow to 5 million people by 2051.
On February 13, 2023, the Empire Club is pleased to host Phil Verster, CEO of Metrolinx, in a sit-down discussion with esteemed journalist Anita Sharma. Phil will provide an update on Metrolinx’s capital and construction projects and discuss how Metrolinx is working together with communities to build and deliver a seamless transportation network, getting people where they need to go better, faster and easier.
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Phil Verster is the President and CEO at Metrolinx. He oversees a team committed to transforming transportation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Prior to joining Metrolinx, Phil managed train operations, infrastructure builds and infrastructure management for passenger rail systems in England, Scotland and Ireland. Phil joined Metrolinx in October 2017 and is leading the Metrolinx organization in delivering an integrated, regional transportation system that will serve the needs of residents and businesses for years to come.
Anita Sharma is a network news anchor and journalist with twenty years of experience delivering national and international news. She interviews newsmakers in Canada and abroad on breaking news and current affairs. Anita is part of a niche group of journalists with an expertise in business– specifically the stock market, real estate and personal finance. She also travels internationally as a public speaker and event/panel moderator.