The Empire Club of Canada

Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Richard Garneau, President and CEO, Resolute Forest Products With Resolute on Sustainability: Taking Corporate Responsibility to the Next Level
Richard Garneau, President and CEO of Resolute Forest Products, the largest forest products company in Canada and a global leader in the industry, will speak about how the industry has met the challenges of the current operating environment and why he believes the industry has turned the corner.
Forestry in Canada is a 57 billion dollar industry and a significant segment of the Canadian economy. Continual innovation and a strong commitment to sustainability are key to not only the industry’s future but the success of Resolute as well.
Mr. Garneau will outline the steps that the forest products industry, and Resolute in particular, is taking to meet these responsibilities. He will also explain the intricate balance of environmental, social and economic priorities that will lead the Company to become more efficient, a better employer, a stronger partner for customers and a good neighbor in the communities where Resolute operates. Mr. Garneau has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Resolute Forest Products since January 2011 and has served as a director of the Company since June 2010.
Before joining Resolute, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Catalyst Paper Corporation from 2007 through 2010. Prior to his tenure at Catalyst, Mr. Garneau was Vice President of Pulp and Paper Operations at Domtar Inc. and also held a variety of roles at Norampac,, Future Electronics, St. Laurent Paperboard, Finlay Forest Industries, and Donohue Inc. He was named by RISI as the North American CEO of the Year for 2012.
Resolute Forest Products is a global leader in the forest products industry with a diverse range of products, including newsprint, commercial printing papers, market pulp and wood products. The Company owns or operates 21 pulp and paper mills and 21 wood product facilities in the United States, Canada and South Korea. Marketing its products in close to 80 countries, Resolute has third party certified 100 percent of its managed woodlands to sustainable forest management standards. The shares of Resolute Forest Products trade under the stock symbol RFP on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Resolute and other member companies of the Forest Products Association of Canada, as well as a number of environmental organizations, are partners in the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. The group works to identify solutions to conservation issues that meet the goal of balancing equally the three pillars of sustainability linked to human activities: environmental, social and economic. Resolute is also a member of the World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Savers program, in which businesses establish ambitious targets to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work aggressively toward achieving them.
Richard Garneau, President and CEO, Resolute Forest Products
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