Wednesday, February 23, 2022
The Empire Club of Canada Presents:
Toronto’s Waterfront: How to Reach its Full Potential
Toronto’s eastern waterfront added 8,000 new residents and 13,000 new jobs in the last decade. The Queens Quay redevelopment added a string of new public parks while recruiting arts and culture institutions, education leaders, and business partners to create a permanent presence on the water’s edge.
Flood protection is underway for 715 acres of the Port Lands – the largest development opportunity of its kind in Canada. There are remaining challenges to make sure this new waterfront is connected with transit, maximizes housing solutions, and provides equitable access to waterfront recreation as ‘Toronto’s backyard.’ Is Toronto on the path to becoming a true waterfront city?
Myriam Eddahia, Journalist, CBC/Radio-Canada
Ana Bailao, Deputy Mayor, Chair, Planning and Housing Committee Toronto, Councillor Ward 9, City of Toronto
Dr. Gervan Fearon, President, George Brown College
George Zegarac, President & CEO, Waterfront Toronto
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